Body Training Tips

Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight Loss

Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight Loss

Lose the Pregnancy Weight

Losing excess weight during pregnancy is the goal of many new moms, in addition to the fact that it is something super frequent that more kilos than desired are increased during pregnancy. However, you should also keep in mind that once you give birth you can lose between 5 and 7 kilos.

To recover the weight we Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight Losshad before pregnancy, the first two months are key, once the baby is born, our body begins to recover its normal state; For example, little by little the swelling in the legs and hands disappears, probably due to fluid retention. But it is precisely at this time that we should start to have healthier habits to help our body to recover the usual weight before pregnancy.

Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight Loss

1. The first thing to be clear about is that this process is slow, some women can regain their weight in the next two months after giving birth, but generally the normal period is between 6 to 12 months. Don’t worry, everybody is different and everyone has their own goals. (Read also: Anemia in Pregnancy, What are the Symptoms? )

2. A healthy diet is the key to helping our body lose that excess weight after pregnancy. However, keep in mind that you are breastfeeding and that you must eat very well, so healthy eating does not mean starving yourself or going on very strict diets.

3. It is also important that you know that if you are breastfeeding you need 500 more calories a day than you normally consume. A reduction in calories directly affects the amount of breast milk production.

4. To have a healthy diet, it is best to consume the calories provided by fruits and vegetables and not the empty calories that come from sodas or sweets. Likewise, it is recommended to consume the whole fruit and not in juice, first, because the fruit already comes with the sugar that is fructose; and because, to the juice, we always tend to add more sugar.

5. Do not skip meals, we know that now you will be focused on your baby, but it is important that you eat well. The recommended thing is to consume between 5 to 6 meals a day, which are small, with snacks or healthy snacks between meals; for example, fruit with cheese, trail mix, whole grain bread or toast, etc.

6. Food preparation also greatly influences whether we can recover our weight before pregnancy. Opt to cook food steamed, grilled, roasted or baked, it is best to avoid fried foods, as well as trans and saturated fats.

Recommendations to Avoid Being Overweight During Pregnancy
Moms, it is a reality that you are going to gain weight during pregnancy! According to the Institute of Medicine, women who maintain a healthy weight before pregnancy can gain between 11kg to 16kg. It is the sum of many things: the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid, the enlarged uterus, the placenta, the breast tissue, and a new amount of blood.

But, although weight gain is normal, it is also important not to overdo it and maintain weight control, as this helps us reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, complications in future pregnancies; also to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

There are some very basic recommendations that will help us avoid being overweight during pregnancy, keep in mind that it is not about eating twice, but about providing the body with all the nutritional requirements that pregnancy demands.

A key that helps a lot is to chew a lot and slowly, in this way, first the digestion of the new mom is favored, and second, they will have a greater feeling of satiety.

It is also essential to include fiber in the diet, pregnant women generally suffer from constipation and fiber is essential to regulate intestinal transit, fiber is found in cereals, fruits, and vegetables.

And finally, eating 6 times a day will help to regulate the feeling of hunger. The idea is to have breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner, and a snack before bed. Breakfast is super important and take advantage of this time to eat several things, including fruits, cheeses, dairy products, cereals, nuts, etc.

Gluten-Free Diet

A gluten-free diet refers to a diet that does not contain this protein that is found in cereals such as rye, wheat, barley, and some types of oats, as well as all their derivatives; and as a consequence avoid celiac disease.

Gluten is a protein that does not provide any type of nutrients to the body, but its function is to provide elasticity or fluffiness to the preparation dough.

What is celiac disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the proximal part of the small intestine due to exposure to gliadin, one of the components of gluten. This exposure is done through diet.

Symptoms of celiac disease include chronic diarrhea, vomiting and bloating, weight loss, fatigue, skin rashes, delayed growth and/or child development, and mood changes.

What Should a Gluten-Free Diet Be Like?

It is very important that a person who has been diagnosed with celiac disease be very careful with their diet. Both in the foods that you should NOT consume, and in those necessary to adequately complement your diet.

It is important to know that not all flours, starches, and grains are bad because not all contain gluten, for example, a celiac person could consume quinoa, soybeans, sorghum, cassava or tapioca roots, precooked corn, gluten-free flours that are rice, cornmeal, potato flour or soybean meal, flax, amaranth, buckwheat, and arrowroot.

Food Allowed

1. Lean, fresh, and unprocessed meats, poultry such as chicken and turkey are the leanest meats, also fish.
2. Fruits and vegetables.
3 eggs.
4. Unprocessed nuts, as natural as possible, as well as seeds such as sunflower or chia, legumes, and beans.
5. Low-fat dairy products, including sour cream, plain milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, margarine, and butter.
6. Others such as honey, jam, tuna, maple syrup, corn syrup, olives, peanut butter, pepper, ketchup, mustard, brown and white sugar, pickles, spices, and distilled vinegar.

Food NOT Allowed

1. Barley
2. Rye
3. Wheat in its different varieties such as spelled, kamut, quinoa, farro, and durum wheat.
4. A cross between wheat and rye known as Triticale
5. Flours such as Graham flour, which is ground whole wheat flour; semolina which is a part of ground wheat; farina flour; also prepared or leavening flour; and flour enriched, usually with minerals and vitamins.

What about the oats?

Oats are not a naturally gluten-containing food, the problem lies in cross-contamination during production from barley and rye.

It is best to look for oatmeal that indicates that it is gluten-free on its label; Although some people do not have a good tolerance for oats, it depends on each person whether or not they tolerate oats, which is why it is not a food that is or is not allowed.

Other Recommendations for a Gluten-Free Diet

1. If you are a celiac person, the ideal is to consume foods that are labeled “gluten-free” or “gluten-free”; foods that say “very low in gluten” should not be eaten. Products containing between 20 and 100 ppm of gluten are not suitable.

2. Cross contamination between foods must be taken into account, for example, the use of shared oil. That is, the same oil should not be used to fry a gluten-containing food and then a gluten-free one.

The same happens with bulk foods that have a higher risk of cross-contamination, so their consumption is not recommended for people with celiac disease.

3. There is no risk when a non-celiac person consumes gluten-free foods, therefore, in a home where several people live and one of them is celiac, the best and safest thing to do is to modify everyone’s diet and start consuming free foods of gluten.

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