Body Training Tips

Hot and cold water for healthy life style

Know the benefits and drawbacks of drinking cold water and hot water

Cold water VS water at room temperature, which is better? Surely you have read several news and studies on the benefits and disadvantages of drinking cold water. Below we will try to clarify the most common doubts about drinking cold water.


Some of the myths about drinking ice water after sports

We know that during and after practicing sports it is very important to hydrate properly, this implies not only drinking but doing it correctly. Each person, depending on their weight, their constitution, their physical shape, and how much they sweat during exercise, will need to ingest a certain amount of liquids and will also do so in a specific way. Today we are going to talk about the ideal temperature of water to drink after exercising because it is a subject that generates many doubts and urban legends.


Drinking cold water after exercise can cause hydrocution (digestion cut)

In some articles, you can read that drinking cold water after sports is beneficial, since you manage to regulate your body temperature more quickly and promote recovery. This is not always the case, it may be the case in some people, but it is true that drinking cold water after performing an intense exercise can end up in a cut of digestion, due to the contact of cold water with the body, which is located a much higher temperature at that time.

Thus, the most suitable thing to do sports is to drink water at room temperature, if possible, in small sips and frequently. In this way, the body will better assimilate water. Consult this article by our collaborator and athlete Emma Roca on hydration in sports to learn more about this topic and demystify the fact that drinking cold water is the best solution to hydrate after playing sports.

Can cold water help lose weight? Don’t get carried away by myths

Drinking cold water is said to help lose weight. This statement is based on the fact that the key to losing weight lies in stimulating the metabolism to burn more calories. Drinking cold water or even taking a cold shower can boost your metabolism in order to regulate body heat. Although drinking cold drinks in the morning generates a thermic effect since the body has to work harder and speed up the metabolism to bring the temperature of the water down to that of the body, the calories that can be lost in this way are few, so we are inclined to recommend a healthy lifestyle: exercise regularly and a balanced diet. Any diet to lose weight has to be personalized, according to your needs, and prepared by a nutritionist dietitian.

Drink cold water

Drink cold water after eating, better water at room temperature .According to what some experts say, cold water after a meal can cause indigestion and it is preferable to drink an infusion or something hot to favor the digestive system and kidneys. Experts recommend drinking warm or hot water to ensure good digestion and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, it is preferable to drink warm water when doing sports and after eating, but this does not mean that you have to give up drinking cold water, as long as you take it at the right time.

Why drinking hot water is good for health?

1. clean inside

Drinking a glass of warm water when you get up is the equivalent of taking a shower inside your body. It helps to eliminate toxins and remains of dinner that is not digested, facilitates bowel movements, helps control blood pressure, lose weight, better cope with colds or avoid constipation, combat stress, and anxiety, decongests, and even it’s detoxifying. A glass of warm water, when you wake up, helps to eliminate toxins and the remains of dinner from the previous day. The steam that the hot water emits and that is inhaled when bringing the cup closer to the mouth helps to clear the nostrils Getty Images
But even if it doesn’t have those benefits, it does have one advantage, and that’s that it doesn’t do any damage either. Its only drawback is that it can cause burns in the throat and trachea if it is ingested at a higher temperature than recommended.

Congestion is caused by the deposition of mucus. If it is the chest, it affects the tubes through which air enters the lungs, which become inflamed. Drinking warm water throughout the day helps to dilute and expel mucus. It also has the ability to warm the mucous membranes found in the sinuses of the nose and throat and relieve dryness caused by colds.

2. Improves digestion

Drinking a glass of hot water on an empty stomach stimulates the elimination of toxins and is beneficial for the digestive system in general. The high temperature makes it easier to dilute the residues deposited in the esophagus once the food for dinner is digested. Likewise, it causes accumulated fat to dissolve, while cold water solidifies it and makes it difficult for it to be expelled. It also facilitates the transit of food that is difficult for us to digest.

3. It affects the central nervous system

It is known that not being hydrated enough can have a negative impact on the nervous system and affect brain function and mood. According to a study published in the journal Nature in 2019, findings suggest that drinking water can have positive effects on brain activation and anxiety reduction during programmed activities. The study indicated that participants who consumed water experienced increased brain activity, indicating improved cognitive functioning, while those with anxiety reported a decrease in their anxiety levels. These results highlight the potential benefits of water consumption beyond hydration, emphasizing its impact on mental and cognitive well-being.


4. Reduces chills

These are a natural response of the body during a bad cold, and drinking warm liquids reduces this. In a study entitled “Staying warm in the cold with a hot drink: the role of visceral thermoreceptors”, which was published in 2017 in the Multidisciplinary Biomedical Journal, from Austin (United States), participants were covered with a species in a suit through which water was circulated at a temperature close to freezing while they were made to drink water at different temperatures, up to about 55 degrees. The researchers found that when they drank the warmer water, the individuals had to make less effort to maintain their body temperature.

5. Improves blood circulation

It is known that a hot water bath helps the circulatory system, that is, veins and arteries, to dilate and blood to circulate more efficiently throughout the body. Water acts in the same way when ingested. It is a relaxant, and if you take a bath or drink it before going to bed, it makes it easier to sleep.

Could lower stress levels
If it is accepted that drinking hot water positively affects the central nervous system, it makes sense that it makes you feel less anxious. Being well-hydrated can improve mood and relaxation levels. And therefore be favorable in depressive states.

6. Weight loss

What hot water does when you drink it without having ingested anything is that it increases body temperature and puts the metabolism into operation more immediately. A study published in 2003 in the Public Library of Medicine, entitled “Water-induced thermogenesis”, showed that drinking a pint of water before eating increased metabolism by 30%. That in turn speeds up fat burning, which helps you lose weight. The drink is even more effective if a few drops of lemon or cider vinegar are added to it. It also causes the feeling of being full and helps to absorb nutrients, so that they are used much more without having to eat more calories and avoid snacking between meals.

7. Improves the appearance of skin and hair

The body tends to accumulate dirt, grease, and toxins from the air, which clogs the pores and causes skin aging, acne problems, the appearance of spots, and other skin problems. It also keeps hair more hydrated and healthy.

8. Hot water improves joint movements

Drinking hot or warm water improves joint movements. Based on anecdotal evidence, hot water has been reported to have a positive effect on joint movements. Many people claim that soaking in hot water or applying hot water packs to joints can provide temporary relief and improve flexibility. While there is limited scientific research specifically addressing this claim, the warmth from hot water can help relax muscles and increase blood flow to joints, which could reduce stiffness and improve the range of motion. However, it is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of joint-related problems.

9. Reduce pain

In the same way that hot water is used to relieve certain muscle injuries, drinking warm water has that effect on the body. While hot water is commonly used to relieve certain muscle injuries, the claim that drinking warm water has a similar effect on the body is not well supported by scientific evidence. While warm water can provide a relaxing sensation when consumed, there is limited research linking it specifically to muscle injury recovery or internal benefits. It is important to note that muscle injuries require proper medical care and treatment, and consuming warm water alone may not be enough for proper healing. If you have concerns about muscle injuries or any health problem, it is recommended to consult with a health professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options. Improves joint movements and provides elasticity. Although it must be avoided in case of severe inflammation.

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